No matter where you are from, we may be in different level of lockdown, we are in this together.
Some quick tips:
Do 30min exercise each day (outdoor ideally) could go with 1 other person is allowed
Eat healthily
Talk to 3+ people everyday (good to gain different perspective too)
Tue coffee zoom opens to the global citizens GMT+10 0900 (Melbourne, Australia time) 1100 NZ time, 0700 SG time, 1800 Monday Washington time, 1600 Los Angels
Offer help to those needed (e.g. get the grocery, tutoring, budgeting, coaching, IT support)
Clean every morning (good warm up exercise)
A Dress up day - Friday
What are your ideas?
If you feel more comfortable sharing privately, please feel free to book a time
Happy to talk about travel, family, education, music, art, cooking, business, career, talent and many more.